Friday, October 13, 2006

It's Surely Time To Sum The Day Up!

Here is the latest news I have been gleaming from as many sources as possible!

It's been a banner selling month for the gaming industry! Industry insiders are stoked by the money that is pouring in.  Most of the gains are on the power of the Nintendo DS which is outselling the PSP by a wide margin!

Microsoft on a bus tour to educate parents. Microsoft is hitting the road just like Madden.  The goal to let parents know about gaming controls.  My guess is that they feel guilty for trying to take over the world!

Wii pre-orders started today at the local EB and Gamespots around the country.  I don't see the point when Nintendo are planning 2,000,000 (so gizmodo tells me) units to be available on launch day.  However,  if you JUST NEED to be one of the people by all means,  get in there and pre-order.

Steam and Activition have teamed up to offer downloadable purchases of popular titles (most notably Call Of Duty II) I think it's really cool that DL's are available.  I know we all love the idea of going to store and touching the box with our hands,  but look at whats happend with the music industry?  Sure there are not as many games as there is music,  but it could happen?  iGames anyone? (yes, I know it exists already,  but Apple could do it you know!)

Sonic is 15-years old today!  Hooray Sonic! By the way,  now I feel really old.  I can remember playing the first time,  what a game, and what a system.  Sega,  you old so and so,  too bad you aren't rocking out with the other three right now!

More news that I fogot about.  Those of you who are fans of the G4 channel,  well, it may not make it.  Apparantly its being consolodated into the E! Channel.  My guess is that either people aren't ready for a gaming channel, or the people who would watch a gaming channel,  are ummm,  PLAYING GAMES!

Breaking news!  This is cool!  If you have a Nintendo DS,  get out there and buy one! Club House Games.


HOOLLY MOLY!  GOTTA GO!  Guitar Hero Time!

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