Thursday, October 12, 2006

Goriest Moments In Gaming History

Screenshot for the upcoming BioShock.

The video game editorial group has recruited me,  your friendly neighborhood community manager, to get the fine folks of AOL Games Talk to submit their goriest moments in gaming history!

Is it the first time you played Doom? A Fatality in the Mortal Combat series? Was it the time you had bad dreams after playing Resident Evil all night long?  Or is it the more recent Dead Rising for XBox 360?

Please chime in on this blog entry and let us know about the goriest moments in gaming history. 

P.S.  You have to watch that BioShock trailer!  It is going to take the cake!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
Well,  as I understand it,  those games are run by a third party.  You may need to contact them if you are having trouble.
If you send me the exact URL of the game you were playing,  I can find out where you need to contact to ensure that you receive your tokens.

Anonymous said...

that is Silent Hill

Anonymous said...

Silent Hill is a pretty scary game!  Any funny stories out there that have occured whole playing?

Anonymous said...

Halo 2: Level-High Charity
        using the energy sword on the last part where you need to jump into the energy beam. On legendary difficulty it's a pain in the butt and REALLY scary at points. I loves it whenz da fluds a-splode wenz u killz zem.

Anonymous said...

I was never good enough to play that high a level,  but I know how Halo can get crazed!

Anonymous said...

Yea i would have to say silent hill 4 because scince theres a shortage of bullets in the game, i had to get down and dirty with the axe lol.

Anonymous said...

i never actually played resident evil but i was always there to watch my friends play it. and man even though i wasn't actually playing it, it still scared the living shit out of me when the zombies would literally come out of no where.

Anonymous said...

Resident Evil 4 is the most beautiful gory game to hit consoles. Some disturbing scenes in that game, but the graphics the storyline (which goes on for 2 discs!) is the most original so far. The best part in the game is when that huge scary looking dude with the trenchcoat rips in half (horizontally) and his spine stretches out of the body causing him to double in height! Disgusting with style.
If you're thinking of getting a S*** your pants gory game get RE4.

Anonymous said...

The goriest game i ever played was definately resi evil 4. Nothing i have ever played even came close! I like this game more than the other ones mostly because the girl is not mentally retarded. She actually gets out of the way so you can blow the crap out of the zombies!

Anonymous said...

Ok, in Doom 3 theres this one room with this guy hanging from the ceiling. Hes flat on his back pushed up on the ceiling and his eyes are popped out, and his stomach is just ripped open and his intestines are just dangling out. Theres also this fleshy blood stained infestment thats all around him and like sucking him in. The creepy part was I had to do a double take, and because I thought he was fricking talking to me.

Anonymous said...

Definetely Doom3, the bathroom scene where you look into the mirror and see yourself decay into a corspe into a matter of seconds, or when the lost soul flys out of a womans skull as she screams in agony.

Anonymous said...

It has 2 b Doom 3 since u get dat chainsaw, but man i like da sound of a chainsaw fresh in da morning. Also theres a bunch of monsters in da game. It scares da shit outta me every time i play it cuz monsters pop out from almost everywhere. And da environment of da game is like really dark in most parts so its hard 2 see and u can't hold a weapon and flashlight at da same time so it makes it even more harder.

Anonymous said...

manhunt or dead rising

Anonymous said...

MORTAL KOMBAT with the blood level all the way up

Anonymous said...

Look guys we are talking about gore not which one is scary or horrific, anyways the goriest game to date has to be GOD OF WAR. I mean no contest, u split people apart and the cinematics are ten times bloodier than gameplay

Anonymous said...

For me it has to be Resident Evi 4.  The first time i saw the chainsaw cut through the charaters head that really was gorey.

Anonymous said...

The scariest game to hit any counsel is pacman.  Specifically, when you are trying to escape down those narrow, black tunnels and the ghosts are chasing you from every direction.  I **** my pants 4 times, and that was just this morning.  I was like, what the F ghosts?  Why won’t you just let me eat my power pellets, cherries, grapes, and watermelons in peace? Just stay the F in the box in the center of the screen and leave me the F alone.  Back up or I will down one of these big pellets and eat your entire family!

Anonymous said...

sefinately postal 2

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

most definately Resident Evil 4, when my man louis was killed by sadler, never before have i been so involved in a video game, and felt like i really lost a friend. but its a great game!

Anonymous said...

for goriest game i can not go and say resident evil or silent hill or even god of war mine had to be soldier of fortune 2 and one any part of the enemies bodies can blown off or sliced off with ur knuife that u can throw for stealth kills and shit
which brings me to my next subject that crazy ass bioshock trailer drilling guys hands with drills killing little girls with wrnches hjaving ur arm turn into a bee hive


Anonymous said...

We're all forgeting some of the loveable oldies...remember Turok? does a certain weapon ring any bells?...the Cerebral Bore! Aww man do I remember picking up that monster; the shreading sound of it's approach, the jaw dropping bloody stream of what supposedly brain matter, and the Coup de Grace...the detonation of the bore sending the enimies body parts EVERYWHERE!....hehehe...good times...

Anonymous said...

Any of the Soldier of Fortune games for the PC is enough to traumatize a small child. Besides that even in the manual it says "realistic depiction of modern warfare". So hands down to SOF

Anonymous said...

A really gory moment is on Dead Rising is when you get a lawnmower and you mow through a crowd. Or on god of war when you get the pegasus sword and you keep spinning w/ it and you chop numerous enemies in half.

Anonymous said...

I'm tellin you, Resident evil 1..walkin in a room with 5 zombies...blastin a cap off with the shotty....bodies fall in  half in what looks like a cloud of blood  and the legs keep walkin for like 5 steps!!

Anonymous said...

yea, i remeber back in the old days i had TUROK for gamecube, the seconday fire on the rocket launcher shot these purple things that ripped foe's limbs off, untill all that was left was a headless, armless,legless torso.

Anonymous said...

dont forget about DOOM 3 man that was a fun game..fav sence is when u find out how the lost souls come about...i laffd my head off when that grls head went

Anonymous said...

RESIDENT EVIL :   FRom hungry zombies to  Bar B QUED  DIpped  dogs Chasing you , Resident Evil Always had its moments  of  horror , Even in resident Evil 4 i was on the edge of my seat fighting bag head chainsaw freaks , and sycho bithes craveing for a meal

Anonymous said...

my favoraite gore game has to be dead rising for the 360, chopping through the thounsands of zombies with chainsaws, swords, battle axes, machine guns,baseball bats, offroad veichale, benchs, and hundred of more options, almost anything is a weapon, even manikins, when you chop a zombie with a sword the actualy get sliced in half and blood goes everywhere.

Anonymous said...

ahahaha soldier of forturne those traumatize you can see everything  ligaments inside the muscle blow up head, cuts inside the stomach

Anonymous said...

Resident Evil 4 is the best video game ever to be made. And one of the goriest. I would say Mortal Kombat is the goriest, but the blood looks really fake.

Anonymous said...

Ill always remember playing Mortal Kombat and ripping out my opponent's heart, with blood spewing forth.  This may not be the goriest moments in gaming, but surely was the first of its kind.

Anonymous said...

DEAD RISING... the auger in the hardware store... hands down most disgusting thing ever.

Anonymous said...

ETERNAL DARKNESS! ... this may not be the goreyist game ever but... it freaked the hell out of me... there were a lot of moments when things poped out of other things stomachs spewing blood everywhere

Anonymous said...

alrithg...i got basiclly got 3 main ones... 1. Dead Rising- when you have a sniper or shotgun and you just blow their faces off...thats just gonna make you scream "HOLY SHIT!" aslo....with the lawm mower and inside the crisp's store just before you fight Cliff. 2. Resident Evil Games- in RE4 when your asked to hit A or X or whatever and the illuminado is almost dead, their heads explode with a good roundhouse kick, or again you blow their faces off with a magnum or the shotgun or just blow'em up with a good grenade or just a regular everyday rocket. 3. Mortal Combat- just having him scream the "FINISH HIM" line....just makes you want to rip out his head. and in one of the MK games, i remember seeing the CONTINUE scene where if you dont continue you just fall into a pit of spikes.

other games that i think that are a little cool but dont have enough gore to be on this list...are Metal Slug and House Of The Dead.....HOTD is a great shoot everything you see that moves game....but its just kinda...lame for the gore.....and Metal Slug.....i love it when you get puked on by a zombie and get turned into one....but instead of throwing grenades, you just get to puke up this giant long line of blood that actualy kills enemies!!!

so yea this is wut i think

Anonymous said...

im going to have to go with soldier of fortune on this one. the gibs of this game were revolutionary, and still today are rather disgusting. and you can also empty a whole SMG clip into a guy before he falls down which is really funny sometimes. i think its a close second with doom3.

Anonymous said...

dood soldier of fortune 1 or 2 easily. So much gore, blowing off feet, arms, heads, brain matter, intestines. You can shoot a guy in the throat and see him choke to death. You shoot a guy with a rail gun he explodes into tiny pieces. You can shoot a guy in the head watch his teeth, brains, eyes come out, u can see the guys skull crack open as u shoot it.

Anonymous said...

Ok in Dead Rising(AWSOME GAME), when you kill Adam the Clown is absolutley hands down THE goriest moment in gaming history. I mean the freaking clown has two chainsaws, and is phsycotic! When you kill him you satb him in the stomach with a cahinsaw, he laughs mainiacly, and falls on the ground laughing when the chainsaw is going in his stomach(BLOOD SPUES OUT EVERYWHERE!!!) I seriously had nightmares, just because he was laughing while he was being cut up.

Anonymous said...

one of THE goriest moments in a video game is when in God of War you're in the ship and it goes to a cut scene of zombie soldiers killing innocent women. Thats not the gory bit. The gory bit, is when Kratos gets pissed off and runs in there killing them all. When he kills the last one, he stabs his sword into the zombies groin and rips straigt up until his blade comes out the zombies head, sending brains, blood, and stomach fluid everywhere.

Anonymous said...

WAHAHAHAHA! There is nothing gory-er than the part in DOOM 3 when you return from Hell to the Mars base and the hallways of the station are adorned with blood and various words are spattered in the ichor. Thats also the coolest part when the lights go out in that same hallway and the possessed soldier flickers and front of you at various points in the hall... shaweet!

PS: The movie disgraced the series. The Hell Knight rules. Halloween pwns all holidays.

Anonymous said...

wow- this is a brain buster -
i cant decide between Tetris and Supermario
so ill talk about both
alright in tetris i ALWAYS get the @#*& scared out of me because You have such a short amount of time to rotate the shape into its exact position before it hits the bottom

in super mario the one turtle with the spikes has me grabbin my nuts for safty ,because whenever im in a boss battle with him it really scares me about ugly they made him

Anonymous said...

how come no1 has said the punisher.  in that game you do everything you can think of to kill someone with all the Interrogations.

Anonymous said...

Dead Rising is the scariest game ever. It may not be scaryin in the day with your friends over, but in the night when your all alone. It gets even scarier when the malls lights go off. Even some of the loading screens are scary. To me Dead rising is the scariest game that i played.

Anonymous said...

Cut scenes and gameplay in general in Ninja Gaiden... the whole point of the game is to see how many heads you can remove!

Anonymous said...

two things... bioshock trailer= gay. the naraitor spent way 2 much time explaing how it would be diffrent than other first person shooters.... but he explains it in a way that makes him sound like hes talking to a bunch of n00bs who have never played an fps before and thus wouldnt know the diffrince any way. 2nd goriest game ever = FEAR or DOOM 3, both rocked.

Anonymous said...

Siren is the creepiest game ive ever played, silent hill 3 is a gore festival, and resident evil outbreak seris is the funnest survivor game

Anonymous said...

has everyone 4got Twisted Metal Black. I mean come on canabalism, ppl cut to shreds by old prop planes, kids as murders, etc... I know they were cutscenes but some orginal storylines to some of the chracters.

Anonymous said...

AIM s/n- LilRock1108

Anonymous said...

GOD OF WAR, I think ore blood spills out of those monsters that the amount of total blood IN the monsters.

Anonymous said...

state of emergency - u can cut innocent bystanders heads off...then batter their body with them, or just beat the living hell into anyone else near by, not to mention gettin a mini gun and just cuttin down hundred of people in a shoppin awesome is that?!

Anonymous said...

yea, all these games r gory, but the goriest game ever is dead rising, you can chop the zombies diagnolly with a katana, u can split them down the middle with throwing blades, you can slice there heads off with a syth, cooking anyone? burn there faces black with a hot pan, and my favorite, rip out there guts and intestines with your bare hands, man u need alot of upgrades for that move

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Pain Killer it was so detailed and had scary sounds and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Dude like deadrising beats them all its like gory as friggin heck u lke cut zombies down the middle then diagonaly then then in half then u use lawnmowers that sjust fun but but friggin gory deadrising is the goriest game ever

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Dead Rising. The cutscene after you beat the clown is downright freaky. He falls on his chainsaws and LAUGHS the whole time while they rip into his gut. The way his laughter slows and deepens like a robot dieing is weird too.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say may favorite gory gaming moment would have to be from Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64 in multiplayer. It's so funny how you make them fall then their bodies disapper while their hearts remain.

Anonymous said...

the goriest game was for me is a tie between 3 games
blood-omen 2, mortal combat perseption, or some parts of gta sanandreas with the gore cheat code on

Anonymous said...

Easily Dead Rising.  When you go into Crislip's in the back there's the excavator.  The things construction workers use to dig holes in the ground, basically a gigantic, motorized screw.  You stick one of those things through a zombie, and the blood literally flies everywhere.  Not only that, you walk around and the zombie still on it, spinning, as you use the zombie's spinning body to beat other zombies to death.  As you do, the zombie's limbs start to fly off.  In the end, you have piles of dead zombies, a zombie torso, and a tremendous pool of blood.

Anonymous said...

The goriest gaming moment i have ever had was a glitch, well not necessarily, in Doom 3, for the pc. I had just walked through a doorway, and a zombified human was standing, then walked towards me. I ran backward, shotguned him in the chest, he fell, and right when he was on his knees, the door i ran back through, slammed shut, right on his head, and it exploded, it was amazing.

Anonymous said...

id have to say resident evil four i know kinda laaammiieess but hey!there was a glitch where the chainsaw ladys instead of cutting his head off they cut him in half like scissors a vertical cut and the part where he gets his torso cut off

Anonymous said...

i think that bioshock is a pretty elaborit game and if i was a critic i would give it 2 tumbs up and i hope that the bioshock game relese soon for i can get my copy =]

Anonymous said...

the goriest moment i ever saw is in resident evil 4 when the granado with the chansaw cuts off your head.its sweet and when you fall into the spikes.

Anonymous said...

ok so i was playing F.E.A.R. for the
PC, and i had to walk up some stairs and i had a shotgun. so these 2 enemies suddenly jump out in front of me and i just let go one the trigger. smoke erupted in the corridor and i couldnt see anything, but after about 5 seconds the smoke cleared and guess what was there? lying on the ground, well for one thing, the walls and floor were just drenched in fresh splattered blood, but the goriest was that there were just chunks of bloody, torn apart flesh scattered every where, it was gross

Anonymous said...

The goriest moment I've ever seen in a video game was in F.E.A.R. for the pc when I came into a room with two skeletal/toasted/slightly meaty bodies and everything was entirely covered in blood.  The ceiling and walls were dripping blood.  Then there's the cannibal psycho who did it and won't stay out my head...

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with that resident evil 4 moment with the chainsaw decapitation, but they are a few older games i've had the most goriest moments in. Like Soldier of Fortune 2 when I busted through a door and unloaded an auto shotgun on a few enemies blowing them literally to pieces leaving nothing more than the lower parts of their torsos. Better then that is a Postal 2 moment where I knocked the heads off everyone in town with the trusty shovel, kicked them into a pile, and set them ablaze, lovely.

Anonymous said...

the part in resident evil 4 when the dude with the beard turns into the centipede

Anonymous said...

Ok so i dunno if this is the goriest, but its certianly the most demented game ive ever played. In Postal 2 (no longer available in US because it was sooo messed up you can still get it on ebay though) by the company Running With Scissors, You can cut off a police officers head with a rusty shovel, dump gasoline on it and light it on fire, kick it down the street and kick it into people lighting them on fire, then once you get bored of it, you can pull down your fly and pee out the fire. And this isnt even like a mission, you can do this at any point in the game! Its the most creative, yet the absolutly goriest game ever.

Anonymous said...

Half-Life 2................We dont go to Ravenholm, greatest ass level.. possesed people evrywhere and u see their livers lungs, and other assorted bowel parts, ooo
O.o right at beginning of that level theres a pair of legs attached to the hips hanging by a rope to a tree and u can hit the detached body part with the shotty and make the legs dangle... frickin awesome

Anonymous said...

MEH!! You freakin think all of these pussy games are gory??? You are not a PC gamer. You may be a console n00b but you definately have not guts to take on FEAR (First Encounter Assault Recon for those of u n00bs who don't kno). FEAR is the freaking goriest game ever. Play the Single Player and look at the first Recon mission you have to do or just look at the opening movie for that matter. Look at the body of the dead ATC guard and see that half of his head is missing and the blood covers him from head to toe. Then look at the Asylum mission and see the bodies fall from the ceiling and see te blood smeared from the floor to the floor to the ceiling and hand prints cove the walls. When you have played FEAR then you can say you've played the most scariest and most goriest game around. FREAKIN CONSOLE N00bS

Anonymous said...

Yo have you guys forgot Psi Ops: Mindgate conspiracy?
I mean you can suck out their brains and have their heads EXPLODE!!
and that level with the exploding meat puppet guys
and the level with the fans and you cun use TK to throw the baddies into it and watch them get shredded by the blades and see their limbs hit the floor and celing with a distinctive thud as their brains adorn the walls next to partially intact organs and chips of bone.
Ya thats the sickest game ever

Anonymous said...

one of the coolest i've seen is on Dead Rising when you defeat the crazy clown and he falls on his chainsaw's and cuts his self up and at the sametime laughing like a madman......spiffy wierd

Anonymous said...

Video games have come along way from happy plumbers jumping on turltes to OMFG WTF IS THAT? AHHH BURN IT! With that out of the way, I must say I love resident evil games. Although it may not be as gory as some other games (but it comes really close), there is some crap in those game that literally made me drop the controller in suprise. The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when i first started RE:4 and the chainsaw guy came roaring out. i ran up stairs, show the shotgun, and ran downstairs and was ready to kick some ass. i kicked open the door and freakin blood flew every where and poor leon's head rolled onto the floor.

And the resident evil games have some of the most disturbing files you'll ever read. for example, in RE:1, you pick up a note that says something like,"
dadddy atached. first momm atached scond. iNside reD and sLimywhiTe and haRd. not srue moM wheRe dunno dadd. found mum again whne atachd mom.
she moved no more. she screamingwhy?jst want to b with her
mom where? I mis yuo." that's just freaking scary.

Anonymous said...

Even though it's not overly gory, it was bad ass to the max.  In Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven I jumped down in front of this guy and ripped his heart out and they showed an x-ray of my hand entering his body and grabbing the guy's heart.  However, video games aren't shit when put up against movies.  If you wanna see some real gore, go to a movie store that isn't blockbuster and rent Ichi the Killer.

Anonymous said...

Ok, how about "The Thing"

When you shoot somebody right in the forhead with a sniper rifle the top of there head from the bottom jaw up explodes. It exposes the teeth on the bottom jaw and you can see there toung flapping around. The same thing happens in a cut scene when you watch a guy shoot himself in the temple. It's pretty brutal stuff.

Getting deapitated in RE4 is pretty brutal as well.

Anonymous said...

ive played some pretty gory games since i was about 6 or 7...i wasnt like the other kids playing Sonic the Hedghog or Super Mario Bros. or Donkey kong Kountry....Mortal Kombat was the game i started with. the fatalities were incredible. i thought that had the most i could stand. i felt like no game would ever make me sick to my stomach...i have a strong stomach.  THE Goriest moment for me is from God of War.  where you walk up the stairs a few puzzles before facing the Minator...there are a whole bunch of dead Guards Mangled and beaten...i almost got sick

Anonymous said...

hands down doom 3... i remember walking through the first few halls seeing that body hang from the ceiling with the entrails... then having a unseen monster pull him in and spit some bones out after some crunching... or the womans head... or watching yourself decompose... or the hall with all those body parts, everywhere, with DIE and SUFFER written all over the walls in blood... or how about the fact that about every room in that game has a bunch of dead people killed in various ways.. and did anyone ever take a closer look at the dead guys in the ventilation shafts? wtf would you do if you face looked like that?

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say the goriest thing i've seen wasn't exactly like yours l but i liked it. It was in Manhunt and you can cut off  heads and throw them at people and just carry them on your back. It's cool because it's like a finishing move and shows it pretty close and pigsy cut off his hands with his chainsaw and they just stay hanging on the edge as he falls to the ground it's pretty wicked cool.

Anonymous said...

Pain Killer was probably the coolest one, I can't remember since it was so long ago I had played it but I shot this arrow bolt and it came back with the guys head. Pretty gruesome I must say...
Any zombie game will have ultimate amount of gore, but the best gore was probably in soldier of fortune when u kill people, their limbs fly off.

Anonymous said...

the goriest moment in gaming history is wen i used to play the doom series and there is blood in every scene

Anonymous said...

the goriest moment in gaming history is wen i used to play the doom series and there is blood in every scene

Anonymous said...

yo  z goriest gameing moment ever was everything in man hunt an the suffering

Anonymous said...

goriest game and or moment of all time? berserk guts hands down for dreamcast.. i have never seen so much blood in a game, and if anyone can name a game that contained more blood id like to hear about it and play it... manhunt and mortal kombat are like playing barbie pony games compared to the gore in this one... imagine an uppercut slice(not even his goriest move but most memorable) that one uppercut has more splatter then anything i have ever seen, thick blood and chunky splatter all the way up, splashing at the top then all the way back down(in game this is about 10 feet up), this is just a standard move.. so yea any attack and cutscene in berserk takes my vote.

Anonymous said...

goriest moment?? doom series and Dawn of War the Dark Crusade. In that game when your units kill a guy his guts spill out and sometimes his body explodes and a blast of blood. that game i reccomend for young adults and matured teens. its to gory i would say for children to play it. some parents might not like it.

Anonymous said...

another thing about dawn of war is when you play single player and you defeat the chaos army. you can beat it by only using a beafed up necron lord because the other units are slow. but ok, when you beat the chaos, he chaos god comes forth from he warp and by punishing the chaos LORD not god, he lifts him into the air. the guys body parts start bleeding and falling apart then hes smashed down into the ground and explods into what would seem like a tornado of blood. another part is when you play as the orks. sometimes when you someone a squigoth which is really strong. sometimes if it eats a hero it will literally sash it pick it up eat it and spit its bones out when the hero is killed.

Anonymous said...

FEAR was also pretty gorry especialy when a body has been striped of flesh and the skelly is covered in what seems like an ocean o blood. and sometimes when you thro a nade under a guy, his entire body or parts of it will be blown off and bleed the rest of the level and you can seee everything inside. bone muscle veins everything.

Anonymous said...

Uh.. I'd have to cutting the feet of the zombies in Dead Rising then running them over with a lawnmower. >:D It's awesome to see their guts 'n crap going out of the side shoot. And uh.. I'd have to say that one freak in RE4. Dude that you gotta kill by dropping these rigs then he climbs up the cliff to get you. I unloaded a hell lot of ammo on him until he "cut me down to size". :P

Anonymous said...

Sweet!  Yeah,  Dead Rising is up there with the leaders in the unofficial poll.
Any sleepers out there folks?

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for classic gore,
nothing beats the good ol' Cerebral Bore
from the days of Turok yore.

Honestly, what could be better than a homing drill, headed straight for the head that drills out your brain matter, then explodes your head? On the more archaic graphics systems it wasnt the prettiest thing one would ever see, but it was still sick, and sweet. The follow up in Turok Evolution, the Swarm Bore Clusters, weren't bad either;
again homing in on their target, drilling their way in, and one by one causing your arms, then legs, then head, all to explode into tiny little chunks.

However, if you're looking for current gore, I would have to say Resident Evil 4 is the winner. Leon Kennedy has the most painful, gory death scenes of any hero I've ever seen. It's relatively rare to see a company which goes to great lengths to show the main hero dying in bloody, agonizing ways, almost more-so than the enemies.
Losing his head? Pretty gory.
Getting chopped in half? Not bad.
An invisible bug jumping on him, vomiting acid on his head, dissolving the skin on his face and scalp, revealing his emotionless skull? The sweetest piece of gore ever to be contrived.
Thank you, Capcom, for deviating from the usual Character Protection bit that most game companies give us, and letting us know even the best heroes can die, just like the enemies we slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Goriest so far was in "GUN" where after aquiring a hatchet you can scalp your enemies.

Anonymous said...

Although by today standards,the graphics is ancient,but do you all remember the Sega Genesis game called "The Immortal"....It had several finishing gore scenes when you finished off your opponents

Anonymous said...

i haven't played re4 or dead rising or any of those games, but damn did doom 3 have me on edge, which doesn't happen ever- i laughed through most of the exorcist, supposedly the scariest movie of all time, if that helps draw a little picture.  If we're talking about pure gore, it's not even a question, i mean, there are bodies and mutilated corpses everywhere, plus all that alien shit that's just damn satanic, and then there's all of the demon stuff going on too.  blood on the walls, guts on the ceilings, lots of fun to play in the dark with the system cranked when you're home alone!  

Anonymous said...

Easy, in the voyeurism is-your-only-way-out "Manhunt" for PS2 and Xbox, one of the kills with the baseball bats is to choke your enemy until he passes out, when he does he falls on his knees, at which point your character takes the baseball bat and with one swing smashes his head off so that the brains and gore spatter all over the camera after the swing, truly gory..........and Mortal Kombat 4 for The N64, any fatality was gorified in full 3d.

Anonymous said...

I've played so many, but I was thinking Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage, as well as another person that mentioned it. For Christ's sake, you'd slice a tiny frog and it would spew a stream of blood 10 feet high, it's one of the bloodier games I've played for sure.

It's hard to decide, because gore to me means insides as well, not just insane ammounts of blood. Doom to this day is still up there in that catagory. The Mancubus was nasty, the way it's head split, with the brain and eyeballs falling out through peices of skull, as it's fatty skin unfolded making a gross sound as it exposes it's ribs among other things. It's just outdated graphically, but nothing quite outdoes it as far as I've seen, not to mention it was well over a decade ago. But then again, only now is the detail in 3D gaming to a point where that could actually be done really well, but you don't really see insides as far as killing enemies, it's mostly blood and what vaguely looks like insides. I think it'd make things interesting with todays physics engines to see some intestines realistically spill out as they try to put them back in if you slash an enemy in the stomach.

Anonymous said...

they should make a video game called DEMOCRATS LOVE TERRORISM and have us republicans shoot the terrorist supporters, that would sell extremely well so thought id give a video game maker a idea, lots and lots of money to be made on that game, and ill be the first one to buy it

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see that Fallout 1 & 2 get a mention. Even though the graphics are dated some of the deaths were well done. For example, the vault overseer can be killed at the end of the game if you have negative karma or if you took the bloody mess trait at the begining of the game. When he gets blasted the left side of his body explodes and ends up doing a flip in the air with his entrails hanging out and tries to crawl away when he hits the ground, only making it a foot before he dies.

Anonymous said...

You kids, with your Dead Rising, RE and such. Even Sword of Berserk pales in comparison to the true goriest game ever. The NEW Berserk: The Millenium Falcon is king (of course it's friggin import only). But good lord, 1 swing and orcs, trolls undead, whatever were kibble. Bosses tough? Cut an arm or 2 of and get back to business. Oh noes, he grabbed you. Stick a cannon in his mouf and pull the cord. Afterwards, watch the blood on your armor and cape slowly drip off of you and pool about your feet. Ahh, sweet memories. Gotta play it now... (walks away)

Anonymous said...

Let's be least for this young generation born in the 80's, gore flat out originated with Mortal Kombat.  We all remember the big fuss that was made about "FINISH HIM!" and parents staring aghast as the loser got his head and spinal column ripped from his body.  And then, to top it off, even though a big stink was made about it, the game didn't inspire anyone to go out and actually try the stunts that were depicted in it, much as though parents thought they would.  

Gory as video games are today, admit it STILL are in charge of what games your kids play, you always have been regardless of a warning label, and Grand Theft Auto won't make your kid want to take up the chainsaw against his fellow man.

Anonymous said...

noooooooooooo area 51 is fuckin scary

Anonymous said...

Gore is all well and good but I prefer something that scares me so bad I have to pause the game and wait for my heart rate to go back down.  Any game that gives you that constant feeling of dread and makes you honestly not want to walk around the next corner or open the next door is worth a thousand decapitations or snipers rounds through the forehead.  Case in point:  Silent Hill. All of them.  But specifically in 3 when you're in the haunted house at the amusement park and you come to the room with the person slowly rocking in the chair behind the desk with its back to you. You are so focused on the person in the chair, wondering what it's going to do, that you never see the lynched body that falls from the ceiling right in front of you (with a simultaneous crash of thunder and blood curdling scream) coming.  In the immortal words of my friend Spike at that moment..."I just sh*t my pants."  It's games like those that give you a far more realistic sense of what it might be like to actually be in that situation than all the red pixels in the world. And thats exactly the escapist feeling we as gamers are all looking for.

Anonymous said...

I don't know people... Super smash bros. was pretty gory to me (shivers)

Anonymous said...

I don't know about goriest, but my favorite gory moment was when I finally beat Hitler at the end of the original Wolfenstein 3-D games...After wiping him out and hearing him call out for Eva as he died, you get treated to a slow motion "Death Cam" of Hitler's final seconds as his body just dissolves into blood.  Early 1990's graphics keep it out of the modern gore-fest moments, but you just gotta love a slo-mo replay of killing the final boss...

Anonymous said...

there are many gory games out there. You guys should get a hand in FEAR that game is pretty damn gory. You have to love the bullet time, you slowly see the enemies limbs seperate from their bodies when you blast them apart. esp with the shotgun. Sadistically this makes me laugh. it isnt real right, so it gives you a right to laugh. Still gory games are probably the most fun. I would'nt recommend this games for young kids. unless they have seen so much gore in movies or played enough gory games.

Anonymous said...

Well I must say, I am not particularly a big video game player but..... there are some that I'll play with my fiancee. It may not be the goriest but my all time favorite is Manhunt! I absolutely love it and had so much fun playing it.....there were even a couple times I jumped out of fear, (I know, I know, whimpy girl, lol) I have played other games and they were fun but I haven't found anything to top Manhunt, at least for me. I really wish they'd come out with a Manhunt 2 :(

Anonymous said...

3 best gorefest games known to this humble person: 1) Resident Evil 4. Leon can die in such interesting ways, and besides, how could you not love blowing people's heads off?! 2) God of War. That game is sooo sick! Strange how, no matter how much blood there is or how messily he kills them, it never seems to be enough! MORE GORE!!! And for the older stuff....3) Unreal Tournament. I mean, for its time, that game is so gory. Cutting people's heads off with the Ripper, which shoots out razor blades, blowing people into a shower of red and dripping flesh with the Rocket Launcher, disentegrating your opponents with the Redeemer, the mini nuclear missle launcher..... And don't forget the special thrill you get from turning them into unrecognizable piles of meat with the Impact Hammer, up close and personal! Doom is gory, but Unreal is.....(*must I say it?*)unreal!

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank everyone who has been posting on this topic!  You all have added lots and lots of great stuff!  I am going to try and have our editorial group write something up on all your great stuff!  Keep it coming.  It is really appreciated!