Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm back.... Renewed dedication to write

Last year I pledged that would try and post once a day.  I did a decent job all things considered.  I wrote nearly 200 posts through August, 2011. In August I started a new job and bought my first home.  That brought lots of change.
What suffered most was writing.   I could not muster the mental effort to put thoughts into words while I was figuring out my new life.

I've settled in now.  I've been in Queens and at Oberon for a year.  I have the perfect writing device in my Nexus 7 Google tablet (that will be another post) and I have the time(1 hour commute).  I will be writing again. There are no excuses! 

While folks who label themselves writers are generally douchy, (sorry Ben)  I find that the act of writing has tons of value.  Too bad the labeled writers have given the act such a negative feel.  Maybe I should separate the verb from the noun.  I love the verb writing. 

I feel my smartest and most engaged with the world when I put things down and share.  What's odd is that its not about whether anyone reads the posts or not,  but simply that they are written.  That the effort was made.   In that sense writing is just like exercise.

I expect to cover my usual stuff.  I'll write about New York City,  technology, the stuff I see and some general contradictory positions about the world.  Be ready.

I plan on exercising for the rest of the year.  Who is with me?  Will you write for the rest of the year?

Friday, July 27, 2012