Thursday, May 24, 2007

Finally! 980 Grid For AOL games Is Over!

Holy Moly!  The last 24 hours have been insane for me.  If case you haven't noticed AOL Games Online has under gone a little change.  The 980 wide project brought back the left hand navigation to the site.  Yes yes,  I know it's pretty boring but it is important.  You'll now be able to navigate around the site a wee bit better and we'll be able to present features on the navigation. 
Its not the most compelling stuff but sites need to do things like this or they stagnate.  AOL Games was like Anne Hall's and Albie Singer's relationship,  a dead shark.  Sites have to keep moving or they die.  Sometimes people don't like the change,  but we have to make these changes or eventually,  we would slowly,  little by little,  be unable to offer the quality games that we do on our site.
For me personally its been a huge project.  I was here until 9.30 PM last night and got in a 8 AM this morning.  I am whooped; but feel a sense of accomplishment.  There is a sense that I added value to the site which is all you can ask for at work.  I'm really starting to believe that AOL games can be the most fun site on the web with regards to games.  I have a plan in my minds eye and I going to push for more and more cool stuff that I think will be fun for people.  I hope you all enjoy it now,  because this is only the beginning !

Monday, May 21, 2007

AOL Games Week May 21

Well,  I didn't get to the blog much last week,  but that does not mean I have not been busy.  I'm still hammering away on this large project 980 wide.  It's been a real pain,  but its coming along and might be done this week!  (Well, it had better be done this week!) 
With this done,  I'm going to be able start thinking about other things.  I have a few things on my plate. 
1.  We're looking at new business relationships to get different types of games on the site.
2.  I am going to be going through our games and trying to get some re-classification going.  Like sure its a puzzle,  but WHAT KIND of puzzle!
3.  I really want to hammer down editorially what the community portal for AOL games will be like.
4. Write a prospectus for my the next year here, then five years, then ten.  I just want to fantasize about what is possible community wise for the AOL games site.
Ok,  I'll be sure to get back on here later this week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How is AOL Games Like New York City

Oh Folks! It has been busy here at AOL games!  From moving to a wider page, the aforementioned 980 grid,  to Bingo Beta,  to just peoples day to day issues, its been crazy hectic.
I've also been a little tired.  You see,  I am runner,  I wake up in the morning and run the streets of New York.  Its a crazy thing to do,  but I do it.  Anyway,  doesn't really affect my work,  but can sometimes leave me with some sore legs.
AOL games is moving slowly but surely towards new technology and it is exciting.  We have a whole affinity system the way Pogo does coming down the pipe and we're continually working to up grade the site.
In some ways AOL games reminds me of New York City ten-fifteen years ago.  Ten years ago NYC was in a state of relative disrepair but on its way up. She was flush with cash,  but needed to overhaul herself but in the right ways.  Its taken a helluva long time,  but the NYC is getting there and getting modern,  there are ACTUAL public works being built in NY for the first time in decades.  Its been a long struggle but its getting there.  Some times you just can paint a rotting foundation. Things need to be totally replaced! And that's what's happening. 
AOL games is the same way.  It seems the site has been resting on its laurels and working one way for a long time. Now,  AOL games is starting to make the changes necessary to move into the 21st century web.  We're fixing infrastructure,  reaching out to the right partners and trying desperately to catch up.  Just like NYC we have in some ways build from the bottom up.  Its a process and we're just beginning.  Should be good times!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Problems in AOL Games

This week it seems its about problems.  Problems moving to the 980 grid, problems with our games.  There are so many things to manage all the time.  I really admire some of my co-workers!  AOL games really has an amazing staff.  Honestly,  I feel like I might be the weak link!  Not really,  but I am just giving love the game who makes these games run.  When they don't work correctly it surely is not from a lack of trying.  Everyone is giving their best efforts as often as they can.  It feels pretty good to be a part of group that has that level of dedication.
ANYWAY,  on the the problems.  It seems that our partner Pogo has some issues with Vista,  yeah, like WHO DOESN'T!  I am sure it will get sorted out eventually,  but as we are AOL games,  we don't have a lot of rope.  People just don't have patience with AOL,  its seems whatever goodwill AOL may have had in the past,  its GONE.  We have to work our way back up to building trust with our members.  Its a tough nut to crack,  but I am going to do my part as much as I can.
I really can't wait to have my blog!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bingo Beta and this and that.

The Bingo beta  for AOL games is out and going well.  One funny thing about it is that the one thing I thought would be strange bout the game,  the testers found as well.  The ball called in AOL games Bingo game is an old man,  and he's just creepy.  Sure enough,  right after the first email regarding Bingo,  one tester said the old man was a creep.  I felt strangely vindicated.  I sure hope that too many people don't feel the same way or the game is going to come out and tank!

It's been an interesting week so far.  Did most of my usual AOL games chores,  but we do have a new initiative coming down from high up to move our pages to 980 pixels wide.  Its a good thing to do,  as AOL has been living in the 90's with their 800x600 layout.  It will allow our pages to have more room and move us into the 21st century!  Hooray! 
The thing that stinks about it,  is that we're in the midst of a redesign of the AOL games site,  and we're just going to have to do this all over again.  Sometimes I really don't know what everyone is thinking.  We're cramming to get these wide pages out the door,  but we're going to replacing the pages in 2 months?  Makes no sense!  Anyway,  the big shots up the proverbial stairs are calling the shots,  so we just follow what we're told.

It is a something that at the end of the day good for the customer but a pain in the neck for the work.  Not too big a deal,  but interesting none the less.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Exciting news! Bingo IS OUT in Beta.

Exciting news folks!  We've just released our second set of games with Masque to beta.  This is a big step as AOL games now, in essence, has its own development house.  Masques games for AOL games are optimized for the web which is great.  What does it mean?  It means that we can continue to release games that kick ass and are robust when played online.
Sro many of the games on AOL games ae just web demo's.  You play for an hour or so then the experience is basically over.  With these games,  we're working to add a more dynamic  gaming experience.  The games are so fun.  Be on the look out for them!

Returns from the weekend.

Well folks, it seems like there have been some problems with games.  Microsoft move to Windows Vista is going to cause havok with games.  Its really tough for people when they make a purhase on AOL Games,  only to find out the item they bought will not work through no fault of their own.
This week I am tasked with making sure people know all about it.  I have to contact our partners and make sure they get this repaired with regards to the distribution of their online games on AOL games. 
Its going to be a long row to hoe!
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Friday, May 4, 2007

Long Week!

At AOL Games,  its been a long busy week!  My boss was and my partner were in town and we spent the day hammering out what the next couple of months are going to look like at AOL Games.
We really got a ton done and it was super productive.  I'll try and let out all the details next week.  All right,  off to the Yankee game!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Part Two. The Game Stuff So Far

Yesterday I got the blog started back up after an INFINITE hiatus.  The reason I am back on this thing is because the plans for the AOL games site entail having a blog to let our game players know what is going on across the gaming site. 
I covered some of the things that have worked while being at AOL these nearly 7 months now; there have been a few things that have not worked.

1. GameDaily Nation.  When I was first on brought on,  I was to be a part of both Video Games and Online games.  I did that well.  I updated what needed to be updated and got some traffic to features that were a part of AOL video games and AOL games.  However,  in November AOL video games and GameDaily merged.  In the merger,  the old AOL games,  GameTalk page was killed.  With it,  the daily work that I did.  Not only that,  my point of reporting changed too.  I went from being a part of AOL games and video games,  to being just a part of AOL games.  Needless to say this was a bit of shock to the system.  I had been blogging for the Gamedailyxl and working on plans for Gamedaily Nation.  All that was ended with one swoop of the pen.  Pretty bizarre.
Since January all my involvement in the video game side has been relegated to making polls and the occasional quiz.  Gamedaily Nation?  Well,  it sits on the shelf waiting for another day.

2.  Pushing innovation with regards to community.  I came to AOL from At we were total underdogs on the web.  When you are competing with the likes of ESPN,  Sportsline and the league sites (MLB, NBA, NFL) you need to be creative.  What we did was create the first online sports community site.  We had blogs,  message boards,  we made the focus of the site the normal sports fan.  Think about it?  You can get sports information anywhere,  but what is going to make you stay at a site?  PEOPLE.  Anyway,  I wanted to bring the same sort of idea to AOL.  I wrote all of it down and past it out.  Unfortunately,  there just wasn't a lot of traction.  Granted I didn't go crazy and really hammer the point home,  I just thought it was the right thing to do.  As we all know,  community driven sites are all the rage as everyone and their mother tries to be the myspace of <name-the-genre>  I was a little dishearting and I hope to get some of the things I wanted to see on the AOL games site one day.

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