Even though the blog has some information about me, I thought I fill in a little bit of detail as to who is the masked Larry that appears on AOL and Games.com.
7. My screen name is lcourtines. You'll see that I post comments on the games and on occasion I will chat in some of the games. My little icon is
6. I am from New York City and work in New York City. I went to public school in Brooklyn and was a TERRIBLE student in school. I went to Brooklyn Tech HS, it's mildly famous in New York. I always got into trouble for talking and calling out answers. I suppose it was a precursor to being a community manager. I like to talk and I talk loud.
5. I am the youngest of four siblings in a first group but my father remarried and has another group of four under the age of ten. My father is a very patient man!
4. I am of French and Puerto Rican decent. Yes, only in New York do you get French-Puerto Ricans who can speak neither French or Spanish. Admittedly, my Spanish is far better than my French which is non-existent.
3. I am a TREMENDOUS baseball fan. I can probably name the starting lineup of every team in baseball and read probably 5 books a year about baseball. I am currently reading a biography of Branch Rickey called "The Ferocious Gentlemen"
2. I am very passionate about people getting the help they need. It frustrates me to NO END that people have a hard time getting into the games. If you could hear me at my desk yelling at my monitor you would know how much it means to me that you folks get to play your games. I am a big believer in getting people help and find the answers. It drives me crazy to hear about peoples gaming issues. I would LOVE to help everything single person individually but I am only one person. Please feel free to email me any time and I will do my best to get you the help you need. Games Help
1. I am a goof ball! I wear hats at my desk, I wear sunglasses in the office and am prone to dancing around and singing. To work in games you should have youthful enthusiasm and I have that in spades. Although I am now, GEEZ Gulp 33 years old, I feel much closer to 16 than 40.
I hope you all enjoy my little profile. I want everyone to feel like that can contact me to talk or whatever. Next week I'll post my favorite games on the site!
Hey Larry! Long time no talk. How's things in AOL gameland?
hi sir,
i've been browsing the site www.games.com and i've been looking on how to contact the owner, but i didn't see any email adress posted, so i have to sign up in aol juzt to be able to contact you, any way the purpose of sending you this message is that my boss would like to know if we can franchise your games here in the Philippines, we would like to know the requirements, please send us a feedback on our address wonderpk@subictel.com. We would like to here from you soon.Thank you very much!
More power!
Let me find out exactly how our game ingestion process works. As far as I know, we usually take games from the larger US based casual game publishers. If you would like to send me your contact information please drop me a line at laurent.courtines@corp.aol.com
Larry, if you guys add Philippines in your poker location as part of your game menu, please contact the president of the philippines. Make it so, it will be that general public can benefit from it, and not just the "Elites" from subic bay, and clarksville area. Those two gated/walled community is a world of it's own. Philippine poker as a location in your game site, will be full all the time. It's a magnet country. It's because of the native people like myself, from what I was told, and what I noticed from my recent visit to the philippines, it must be true.
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