Friday, November 17, 2006

Sony PS3: More From the Streets

Well folks, as you can see from all our coverage we were very much on top of things. Unfortunately, yesterday I couldn't get all the photos I took up on the site. I still have a couple more from the 1PM to 2PM hour from my Sony, New York line trip. I am sorry I couldn't get them all up at the time, but I will post them now. There were all taken before the dreaded rain fell. I can't imagine how brutal it would have been to be rained on.
There are still some real winners left!

Just a shot of the line just past where the kids did their PS3 salute. I took this one more for the sleeping woman in the middle of the frame. There was a lot of that going on and this was a full ten hours before people got in.

Stepped across the street (55th, north side, between 5th and Madison) to make sure I got some scale shots. This shot was not sufficient so I moved down the corner (photo posted in earlier entry) As you can see it was a real tent city. All I could think about was Mad Max or some other 1980's post-apocalyptic movie.

Depth shot from the end of the lucky "400" section. The dude in the middle, (who you can't see) said that he was number 400. Not sure if he actually got a PS3 but everyone in this section claims to have been eligible. Interesting. I hope they had their tarp put up or this group of people were hosed!

It was love at first sight! These two were by far my two favorite guys on the whole line! My buddy with the laptop told me that was his college laptop. I asked them both about the fact that perhaps they may not get a PS3 and he smiled and said "It doesn't matter if I don't get my PS3, its still going to be a party right?" God bless them both. I heard from some folks who went to the bash that they saw my boys later in the evening and they were soaked! Poor bastards! Here is hoping they at least got one PS3.

The media was starting to filter in even at two in the afternoon. I don't know who this crew was but the kid in the middle was interviewing the long-hair about his PS3 line spot. My main man on line was in the front so he was in good shape to ensure that he got his hands on one.

Waiting on line for the PS3 doesn't have to be a miserable existence of bad food, throw-away sleeping bags and make shift tents. These guys show it can be about fashion. These guys are decked out in their hottest gear. We have Rocca-wear, slick baseball caps and stylish jeans. Way to go boys! Have to bring up the fashion sense of gamers up, one gamer at a time!

Trying to find away to past the time, the front of line crew engages in what looks like Uno! I love the game myself, its a real winner. This group is a real contrast in styles from our finely threaded crew in the photo before.

As reported in the first round of photos, Sony was very gracious to the line waiters. They had a whole slew of food. From what I saw, they were setting up carts and filling them with food. I mean even I got a cup-o-joe from them!
Hmm, one of these kids isn't like the others. My main man mod in the middle is looking rather different from the crew around him.

This was Sony's advertising window for the PS3. It was all spacey and futuristic! I just didn't get the whole thing with blue people and legs dangling? Sony has not done the best job with its ads and they aren't doing it with their windows either. Just too weird.

Anyway folks, thats all I got from the event. I know I dropped a lot of photos down, but what the heck? Its the PS3 launch right? There should be a ton of coverage! If anyone has any stories please do not hesitate to post them!

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