Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Back and NEWS

Been away for four days in Mexico!  Boy is it nice there!  I had never been to Baja California and I found it to be wonderful.  What a place!  If you have the chance you should head down to Los Cabos! 

News,  ok!  I am on it.

A sure fire indication that the WAR IS ON,  the wikipedia entries for both the Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii have been closed due to vandalism.  Looks like fan-boys for both have been editing the entries with classics like "NINTENDO SUX" or "SONY BLOWS!"  Ah competition, ain't it grand!

Nintendo Wii again is gaining positive momentum with the non-gamer press:
Time Magazing is in.
Gizmodo is in
Forbes is in
Thats a ton of ringing in endorsements.  I think the Wii is going to better than people expect.  Think about it?  The non-gamer community is a hell of a lot bigger than the gamer community.  Appealing to them is a sure fire way to make boatloads of cash.

Side by side comparisons on the PS3 and the Xbox 360 of Ridge Racer show that maybe the Xbox 360 is pretty good!  Sure this is just one game,  and sure it may be a matter of the developers not having time to exploit the power of the PS3 but this is not good for PS3.  Sony's claim has been that it has the superior machine the thing is,  things like this show that maybe,  JUST maybe,  it isn't THAT much better. 

Right now,  there are just tons of PS3 and Wii coverage.  I can't even manage to cover it all.  I am sure it all sift out in the end.  Enjoy.

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