Monday, November 6, 2006

Marathon Man

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For you my regular readers looking for an update to things, I have to say I am sorry.  I out of the office today trying to recover from my running of the NYC Marathon!  For some reason today, video game news just isn't as important.  Let me tell you folks, running a marathon is not easy!  My body is sore and I can barely walk today.  I am proud of having worked hard enough to complete the arduous journey through New York Cities Five-Boroughs but it was hard.  I broke down a couple of times after mile 20. 

They do say that, that is usually where the "Wall" is, and when you hit it, you hit it hard.  I was only able to continue because my older sister was volunteering at the medical services tent and saw me.  She told me to keep going when I was nearly in tears and ran with me while I walked my energy back up to a normal state.  The last six miles of the race took me an hour and half, where I had been running probably ten minute miles for most of the race, I couldn't sustain the pace. I limped across the finish line at a respectable 5 hours and 17 minutes!  Let me tell you folks, I’ll take it! 

For those of you who have never witnessed 37,000 people running it’s amazing.  There is so much camaraderie among the runners and you sort of feel like animals on migration.  We'll all moving along; trying to keep focused and hope we don't die in the end.   The streets of New York and filled with people cheering and trying to find a glimpse of the one person they may know with the madness in their mind to run the thing.  I was lucky enough to have people along the way that cheered me on, I really needed it.  My girlfriend,  mom, dad (who flew in from France), my family, friends and thousands of New Yorkers cheered me on the whole way (I helped by having "Go Go, Larry" on my shirt)  I tell there is no way I could have done it without every single one of those voices cheering me on.  It really is a wonder to have support.  There seems to be a level of awe and admiration for the lunacy that goes into running a marathon.  The overwhelming feeling is one of pride.  People who don't even know you are just proud to see you go passed.  It’s very cool!  However, as I have said a few times already.  It is very hard and requires a level of commitment and discipline that I somehow managed to tap into.  I think I was mostly afraid that if I wasn't ready, I wouldn't be able to finish.

Anyway, sorry that this isn't much of a games talk entry, but I just wanted to share my personal experience.



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