Friday, September 23, 2011

Don't give Facebook too much credit for timelines

There will be a lot of news of how Facebook has changed the world and
kicked Google's ass in the next few days. Our technology news will
cover the whole thing like it's a Sunday match up in the NFL. (Have
you noticed everything is covered like Sports now?) But don't quite go
there yet. Facebook's new time line stream and music stream were
items that were already available that they knew were coming and had
to adapt to. I give them credit for making the radical changes they
have but the heavy lifting of visioning was done.

Time lines of your social media life live on sites like
Sites that bake in social music like already exist.
Facebook, strangely is already in a defensive mode. They are in the
co-op of features mode. It's natural and it happens.

What I am trying to stress is that Facebook is a business just like
any other. They are finding new ways to help the companies that pay
their bills access out lives and have more locations to remind us they
are there.

Facebook is in the business of selling the aggregation of our lives,
dreams, friends, pictures, stories and ideas. Without it's users
content, they would have nothing to sell.

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