Love the idea of language. Very, very cool and interesting.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
You need to read these books if you want to keep your job
You work hard, you know your stuff but the dial isn't moving forward at work. Why is that? You've heard about outsourcing and you are scared your job might be next. What are you going to do?
These questions are top of mind for a lot of us. Worrying about work keeps us up at night and turn our hairs gray. How do we get better at the game of work? Keep learning! Keep reading and keep taking action. I am not advocating learning just for learnings sake. That in and of itself is a form of procrastinating. I am asking you to learn and in the process of learning, take action.
A few books have driven me over the last year that have taught me and pushed me to take actions:
Web Analytics 2.0 by Avinash Kaushik
- a crash course in web analytics and outcome based marketing. (I've mentioned this book more than once)
Lynchpin by Seth Godin
- an empowering book asking you to push based punching the clock and start really working on something you love
The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
- demystifies the MBA. Teaches what you need to know to run, you know, an actual business.
Neuro Web Design: What Makes them Click by Susan Weinschenk
- a quick read on applying neurological research to web design. (Very simply, but usable)
All three books have helped me in different ways and all three have immediate actions outlined in their pages. If you want to do better work, be less afraid and push past punching the clock, read these books.
* This post was inspired by a section of What Makes Them Click regarding two things: people reacting to fear and our natural narcissism.